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In 1895, Small Point numbered a dozen households and could be reached only by a dusty, jolting two-hour buggy ride from Bath. The whole country was in the grips of the Panic of 1893, one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history. So Joseph Manley‘s proposal in 1895 to build a three-story club above Seawall Beach must be seen as an act of supreme optimism. But two years later in 1897, his dream was realized when the Small Point Club opened its doors to an intimate group of members and guests. And one-hundred and twenty-five years later, the Club, designed in the classic stick-and-shingle style by Joseph Ladd Neal of Wiscasset, still stands proudly on its rocky promontory overlooking the Atlantic.
2023 Summer Calendar
May 28 6:00pm: Meet and Greet Roe Torrisi, our new Club Manager. Bar will be open and members will supply hors d'oeurves.
June weekends prior to June 27: Friday, Saturday, Sunday: open as a B&B with continental breakfast
June 26 6:00pm: Pre-opening day Potluck dinner. Salad and soup provided by Chef Rob; Members bring their own specialty dish. Bar will be open.
June 27: Opening Day for regular business.
July 1 & 4: Salmon Dinner
July 4 Noon: 4th of July Parade
July 19: Ladies Night
August 12: Annual Club Party
August 17: Community cocktails and light buffet
August 30: Cocktails at the Club to Celebrate the Founding of the Club and Full Blue Moon
September 3: Last evening for regular dining.
Small Point Club (SPC)
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